Crumbs from sprouted rye and dinkel

пророщенное зерно полбы, пророщенное зерно ржи, ржаная закваска, ферментированный ржаной солод, фруктоза, соль, подсолнечное масло и кориандр.
Подробные сведения

Вес брутто: 100 г

Пищевая ценность на 100 г:
белки - 16 г
жиры – 6,5 г
углеводы - 69 г

Энергетическая ценность: 330 ккал / 1370 кДж
Срок годности: 60 дней.
All products are certified GOST standard 33980-2016
About the product
Spelt is an excellent dietary product. You feel less hunger due to the long processing of carbohydrates when consuming it. It contains 18 essential amino acids that supply tissue with energy and improve protein synthesis in the body. Sprouted spelt grain is a source of B vitamins.

Sprouted rye is rich in enzymes and beneficial elements. Its sprouts contain plant hormones, oils. The presence of folic acid is important for pregnant women: it affects cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the blood formation and well-being of the expecting mother.

Consumption of sprouted rye and spelt grain prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes blood pressure, significantly improves the immune system, effectively cleanses the body and improves digestion.
Premium quality
Good for your health
Natural taste
Grown under the southern sun