Crumbs from sprouted dinkel

пророщенное зерно динкеля, бездрожжевая закваска, фруктоза, соль и кориандр.
Подробные сведения

Вес брутто: 100 г

Пищевая ценность на 100 г:
белки – 22 г
жиры – 3 г
углеводы – 68 г

Энергетическая ценность: 340 ккал / 1440 кДж
Срок годности: 60 дней.
All products are certified GOST standard 33980-2016
About the product
With these crumbs regular consumption, you will certainly notice an improvement in your health status. They will boost energy, restore visual acuity, normalize metabolism, and improve immunity. The intestinal microflora is gradually cleared of toxins and returns to normal. Sprouted spelled grain contributes to longevity and rejuvenation of the body.
Premium quality
Good for your health
Natural taste
Grown under the southern sun