Organic production

Fields and production sites are located in the Petrovsky Hutor of Rostov region. 400 hectares are given for growing organic crops. Within a radius of 50 km from the enterprise there are no industrial facilities. The properties of soil, air, and water are fully suitable for organic farming.
Fields and production sites are located in the Petrovsky Hutor of Rostov region. 400 hectares are given for growing organic crops. Within a radius of 50 km from the enterprise there are no industrial facilities. The properties of soil, air, and water are fully suitable for organic farming.
We grow 13 types of organic crops. We make delicious cereals, flakes, whole-wheat flour from them, bake the grain bread "Tonus" and make crumbs. The crop production is 900 tons per year.
Organic farming technologies
8 basic principles
A distinctive feature of organicproduction is the maintenance of soil fertility and the health of crops without the use of chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, GMOs. To do this, we have created a special technology for growing and subsequent processing of agricultural crops. Many years of experience in agriculture, scientific knowledge in the field of environmental management, and organic-production standards were used as a basis.

There are basic principles on which organic farming in the Bio-Hutor is built
Crop selection

We have chosen the crops carefully. For example, the traditional for the southern regions winter wheat does not grow without chemicals. But its ancestors, spelt and dinkel, have a hard membranous glume, that is not accessible to pests. These plants are less fastidious and compete with nature. As well as other crops that we grow in the fields of Bio-Hutor: rye, oats, millet, brown and white flax, red and green lentils, chickpeas, green peas, buckwheat, garlic.
Crop rotation and shift

An important place in organicfarming belongs to crop rotation, the principle of which is the annual change of agriculture crops grown on a certain site.

Many pests appear due to the plant cultivated the previous year. Therefore, grain crops, such as rye, spelt, dinkel, oats, are sown in pairs with lentils, chickpeas, flax. The shift of crops has a positive effect on reducing soil contamination by weeds, diseases, pests and maintaining the balance of nutrients and trace elements in the ground.
Own bio seeds

We use our own seeds, which have been grown in accordance with the rules of organic agriculture. Such seeds are annually inspected, have no GMO and are not exposed to chemical pretreatment. Bio seeds are fundamental to clean and safe products.
Weed control

In organic farming the weed is controlled by agro technical methods. Harrowing and cultivation are used for this purpose. In intensive technologies these stages are minimized or are often excluded, since it is possible to work with chemicals. Before sowing, weeds are pulled away with a cultivator. Then active and frequent harrowing is provided before and after sprouting.
Protection of crops from diseases and pests
For this purpose, special microbiological materials that are certified in the organic production system are used. They are of biofungicidal, insecticidal, antipathogenic action. Our partners in the field of microbiological plant protection are the All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection (Krasnodar) and the company Biotechagro (Timoshevsk).
Organic balance, not disturbed by the use of chemicals, also protects crops. When exposed to chemicals all life dies whether it is bad or good. Including entomophages, they are predators, parasites and other organisms that are dangerous to insect pests. We have created the necessary conditions for the growth of the population of entomophages, and with the restoration of the biocenosis the pests disappear immediately.

To enhance the yield the fields are fertilized with crop residues and siderite. We also monitor the state of the soil and add the necessary microbiological materials. They contain strains of beneficial bacteria and fungi, which, when introduced into the soil, actively proliferate, utilize organic fertilizers, process them into easy digestible ones by plants, suppress disease-causing bacteria and fungi, fix mineral elements.

We also approach the harvesting of organic crops in a special way. If the crops are sufficiently clean from weeds, then we use direct combining. We work with combines Acros and New Holland. In another case, we are cleaning to the dump. For this, crops are mowed with the help of a mower tractor KSU-1 and are threshed in combines.
and processing

Organic products are stored and processed in special premises. One barn of 3,300 square meters is allocated for storage. It is not treated with chemicals. Pest control is not provided by poisons, but by mechanical means, pheromone traps, entomophages.

All raw materials undergo multi-stage treatment. Employees of the grain preparation and processing division carry out primary cleaning, calibration by weight, size, color and final dry cleaning.
production technologies
We keep everything valuable in its natural form
Always fresh cereals, flour, grains

The key to product freshness is in the gradual processing of grains. It is being prepared, cleaned, processed and packed once the orders are available. The warehouses contain minimum supply of finished products. Following this principle ensures the freshness of cereals, flour, grains, seeds, which we supply to stores.

Whole wheat flour is ground on stone millstones. This production method provides the finished products with fine grinding and adds a special taste.
The patented technology of baking bread without flour
Bio-Hutor is the only Russian producer of bread from sprouted organic grains of spelt, dinkel, rye. We also prepare crispy crumbs from this bread.

"Tonus" Bread is baked according to the patented technology of whole sprouted grains. It contains no flour and yeast. The product contains all the valuable nutrients that revitalized grain has. At the same time, in terms of its appearance and taste, "Tonus" does not differ from ordinary bread, i.e. it has a tasty thin crust and crumb.

The technology of direct processing of grain into bread preserves all the natural substances contained in the grain: fibers, glume, corcule, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, protein and other important components naturally inherent into a sprouted grain.

It's really unique which is proved by recording into the Guinness Book. The studies have shown that "Tonus" improves health and strengthens of the immune system. This therapeutic product has received many international awards and is recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Organic egg
Bio-Hutor is the only certified manufacturer of organic eggs in Russia. We comply with a number of important production requirements that distinguish us from other manufacturers.

The main difference between organic eggs and industrial or farm ones is that our hens are fed on organic food of our own production. More than half of the diet is organic spelt. This cereal has a high nutritive value due to its high protein content. Other beneficial cereals and legumes are also included in the feed.

The poultry is kept free-range in spacious poultry houses without cages and has year-round access to open air. The laying birds are continuously cared for and watched. We do not use drugs that increase egg-laying capacity. All of these factors combined guarantee poultry health and product quality.