Organic farming

How does organic farming differ from industrial one?
Organic agriculture is based on the concept of sustainable development, which is dynamically integrated into the existing organic system; it does not violate its harmonious functioning, preserves the nature and provides the population with high-quality food.

Organic farming is based on the IFOAM standards, the land monitoring, as well as on the TLV control of harmful substances in the output. Compliance with production regulations and tight control are present at all stages of the production process.
Which product is considered to be an organic one?
Organic, bio or organic product is a clean and safe one. All 3 terms are used in Russian practice. Such products are manufactured, processed, certified and sold in accordance with the rules of organic production.

The main difference of products of organic agriculture is that they are grown without of agrochemicals, pesticides, mineral fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth stimulants. These substances are of great danger to human health and threaten the environment.

Organic products are processed without the use of gases, synthetic waxes, and various chemical additives to improve the taste or extend the shelf life.

The packaging consists of materials with a minimal negative impact on products and the environment.

It should be noted that the organic product is not an invention of modern times. The conditions for manufacturing such products are simple: natural ageing due to the sun, water and organic-friendly care. Our ancestors did the same farming hundreds of years ago. However, in pursuit of high yields, people began to use chemicals and other additives that negatively affect the quality of our products, our health and ecology.
What are the benefits of organic products?
Organic farming preserves the most important thing that is real natural taste, smell and color.

The taste of this product is strong, rich and does not need intensifiers.
Benefit for health
Industrial plant growing depletes the soils, which are unable to give the plants the nutritional value that was inherent in them a hundred years ago. The result is poor product quality. Studies show that the content of nitrates, heavy metals and other harmful substances in environmental products is much lower than in normal ones. And on the contrary, the content of the important nutrients and antioxidants is higher.

Organic cereals grown in the nutritive land contain on average 10-50% more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients compared with products manufactured using modernized technologies. Such food strengthens the human immune system, helps preserve beauty and health.

You can give organic products to children and eat them yourself. They contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for health, which are easily and most fully absorbed by the body, unlike synthetic dietary supplements and trace elements.

Organic products are not genetically modified and are not manufactured from genetically modified substances.
Maintaining the planet clean for our children
Organic management ensures environmental friendliness, conservation of biological diversity, improvement of the organic system and restoration of natural potential for future generations. This method of farming does not pollute the soil, groundwater, rivers and lakes: the chemical components contained in fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are poorly decomposed or do not decompose at all.
They remain in the human body, soil, animals, and groundwater. For example, persistent agrochemical pollutants can be found in the adipose tissue of almost any person, breast milk, and even in the body of polar bears living in the Arctic Circle. These components can be transformed into compounds hazardous to human health, which can cause cancer, food allergies, immune and other diseases.
and farm products
Is it possible to call the products grown in farms or by a grandmother in the garden the organic ones?

There is an opinion that a farmer who refuses to use chemicals is automatically considered to be a manufacturer of organic products. This is not true.

It is environmental certification that borganicmes the guaranty for the quality of the entire technological chain: from cultivation to delivery to grocery shelves. Organic production is a growing procedure based on accounting, keeping logs, notes on growing processes and cultures. The certifier controls the compliance with this procedure. This is a high-level specialist and, when inspecting the fields, he will always determine, for indirect reasons, the discrepancy of the data provided, for example, whether chemistry was used or not.

The cost of organic products is higher than usual one. And this is the payment for guaranteed food quality, which we, indeed, can live on, not just "eat", for preserving native nature, for clean fields, rivers and groundwater, for supporting the development of rural areas, villages responsible for bio - enterprises and the domestic environmental industry as a whole.
Organic farming is a growing procedure that is based on accounting, journaling, notes and control by an independent certifier.
Bio-Hutor is certified to confirm compliance with environmental standards and the status of a manufacturer of environmental products every year.

«Bio-Hutor products are certified by Eco-Control in the Voluntary Certification System of organicand biodynamic management and comply with organic standards of the Agrosofiya Company. These standards are fully equivalent and harmonized with approved international practice in the field of environmental certification. There is an organic-labeling "Chistye Rosy BIO" RU-BIO-001 on the packaging of our products.
Certification of Bio-Hutor organic products
5 principles
of Bio-Hutor
Healthy soil and organic system preservation
Organic products originate directly from the earth. The soil is treated with sensitive methods and without the use of chemicals. After all, a healthy earth gives not only a good harvest, but also the immunity to the plants for pest control.

3 years of conversion. This is the period for which chemical residues leave the soil and it changes for the organic one.

We have also deliberately refused in organic farming from deep annual plowing, which reduces fertility and contributes to soil erosion.

When plowing, the layers get mixed, the risk of weathering of the fertile layer and leaching of useful substances from it increases, the living conditions of numerous living organisms that contribute to the formation of humus deteriorate. Dew worms, insects and their larvae, various bacteria have a beneficial effect on the soil structure. By killing them, we change the microbiological composition of the soil and its natural ability to maintain fertility.

Preservation of healthy soil and organic systems, maintenance of species diversity are important tasks of organic farming.
Use of bio-seeds
When sowing, there are bio-seeds, which are grown according to the technology of organic farming. Bio-seeds do not undergo synthetic and chemical treatment, they are not genetically modified.

Bio-Hutor has created its seed fund and from year to year uses only high-quality seed material. For its preparation, i.e. calibration in size, weight, color there are modern types of equipment and seed purifiers.
Complete ban
on the use of chemicals
While growing it is strictly forbidden to use artificial fertilizers, i.e. toxic chemicals (herbicides and pesticides), genetically modified components, mineral fertilizers. Agricultural chemicals are practically not "utilized" by nature and accumulated in the products that we then consume.

In the production and processing of organic products, the use of food chemicals is prohibited, i.e. dyes, flavorants, conservants, antioxidants, thickeners, various kinds of conservants, antioxidants, flavorants, stabilizers, taste improvers, and other artificial additives. No chemical processing methods can be used, in particular the refining and hydrogenation of fats. All this cause an unacceptable health risk.
Synthesis of traditional and innovative technologies
Organic farming successfully combines traditional farming methods, innovative technologies and modern scientific and technical developments. This ensures competent responsible approach to production.

To eliminate the pests and control the plant diseases, we use physical and mechanical methods. We feed the soil with fertilizers on a natural or organic basis. We replace chemicals with microbiological materials that protect plants from diseases, nourish them, and improve soil composition.
introduction of microbiological preparations
Storage and processing
According to the rules of organic production, organic products shall be separated from industrial ones.

Not only cultivation, but also storage, processing, transportation are provided separately. This is recorded in the process flow logs, which reflect operations for each particular batch.